My gosh it’s amazing… when you spin the clear plastic shell… the little yellow sun inside… DOES NOT SPIN?!
Babies love carrots! The better to see you with.
Mmm I still love the cereal, yes I do.
Is my slip showing?!
Mmm Mommy and I headed out to Indiana for a picnic and we picked up some of the finest red win this side of the Mason Dixon Line. Can you believe they carded me when we checked out? It’s okay, Mommy covered for me. Now I can get my drink on!
Mommy can I go on a motorcycle ride with Bear?
This is Natalie, she helped Mom take care of me. I think I need one of those cute headbands to hold back my golden locks of… oh heck who am I kidding, I’m bald as a bat.
Binky no evil, rattle no evil… uh hey guys I think Lyla Quinn ate her prop!
Who’s the cutest?!
Gaaahhhh help me I am being attacked by a giant schnoz!
Daddy thinks I am cute in my black biker outfit.
We went on another walk in the park and froze our tootsies off. Mommy gave me a kiss and cute hat to keep me warm.
It’s starting to get chilly but Daddy keeps me warm in my carrier.
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