Monday, March 19, 2012

Bye Bye Winter?


Mommy you know I can’t take you to Panera for tea… I can’t drive a five speed!



I can’t understand why Daddy wouldn’t let me give him a kiss when we went out to dinner at the Japanese steak house.



Mush! Mush! Daddy and Thatcher the cat aren’t a very good dog team. I don’t think we’re getting into the Iditarod this year.



We’ve secretly replaced this small child’s breakfast cereal with Sweet Tarts. Do you think she’ll notice?



I love the slide at the zoo! It’s completely different from the slide at the park. Or my school. Or the other park. Or the gymnasium. Or Gymboree.



Lookout ladies there’s a tiger RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!



Haha, I fooled you! Silly girls, that tiger is about as real as spring in March. Oh wait…