Mommy and Daddy are trying to teach me how to smile by poking my cheeks like this… cheese! After 17 months you’d think my sweet face would be enough but noooo.
I’m on the big girl swing, now. I guess I’m ready to drive a car, smoke cigars, date older boys, and get a tattoo on my bum, right?
These sunglasses only increase the chances I’ll fall through the playground bars by 17%.
Smile! The last time Daddy brought me into the bird cage at the zoo, they bit his ears off. What you don’t believe me? With this face? They grew back, I’m telling you!
It’s all smiles now, but it got ugly about 10 minutes after this pic, when Mommy started begging Daddy to take her to Panera for “just one more tea!”
Zoo… so much fun… gotta make it to Panera…
This pizza dough doesn’t taste right. I think we got some paper in it. I detect the faint aroma of a 17 page credit card statement.
Man I am getting sooo old. I’m way to big for that crummy old high chair. But this new booster seat is pretty comfy on my tookus.
I like to help Mommy look pretty. Here I am evening out her skin tone. You should see how long it takes to apply the concealer under her eyes. Why doesn’t she get more sleep?!
Chillin’ on the playground, swining in the breeze.
Ahoy matey! Talk like a pirate day was so much fun, I’m going to be a captain. All I need now is a crusty old boat covered in barnacles and sea weed, and a scraggly crew of no-good vagabonds to boss around. Oh wait, I have Mommy and Daddy, and I know where they keep the keys to the Jetta Wagon. I’m ready to sail the seven seas!
Daddy, it’s called the Susan B. Komen Run For The Cure, not the “Boobie Dash”!
The fall festival at my old daycare was great. They had ten different kinds of chili. Sure I pooped fire for three days, but it was worth it.
Gotta keep my poker face, I don’t want anybody to think I’m getting soft in my old age.
Hmm I wonder why Daddy has started cropping Mommy out of all the camera shots?
Get up little boy, we gotta keep bouncing, or they’ll let the big kids back in here, and we’ll be crushed!
It’s Ms. Edith my original daycare teacher! She taught me how to roll over, sit up, crawl, everything I knew when I was 6mo. Now that I’m all grown up I can reflect on the good times we shared.
I was sorting diapers and I found these shoes. Who do you suppose left them in here? Mommy and Daddy are always leaving things in such strange places.
For my 18 month photo I ‘m doing my best Mona Lisa impression. I think I’ve got the smiley smirk just right.