This is the first in a special three part series: Baby Blaire's First Birthday Party! It was a smashing success, but you'll have to wait for the final installment to see just how smashing it was. Until then, enjoy these beach vacation pics.
Daddy, are we there yet?
What? How long is "two hours"? And what the heck is an "airplane"?
Hmm this sand looks nice. Too nice almost. So nice and gravelly. It's almost like it's calling to me. Yes I hear you, sand. I will obey. NOM NOM NOM! [Daddy Editorial: Baby Blaire pooped clay for days after this episode. Word to the wise: kids eat sand. Who knew?]
You guys just couldn't spring for a two bedroom, could ya?
I love my new toys, like this Little Spider book and vibrating teether. Don't worry that my teether is laying on the ground. On vacation the "five second" rule becomes the "ahh, what the hell" rule.

Daddy, will Mommy ever come out of the fudge shop?
[Sometimes you don't realize what has happened until well afterwards.]
Smile! We're dining outdoors in the woods in Florida, what could go wrong? You know dinner is going to be interesting when they can't serve you the local tap water.
My first taste of alligator tail bites was going just fine until...
We escaped the rampaging tailless alligator by taking a ride on the river boat. Here's a little baby algebra word problem. If an hour ride on a river boat is twice as exciting as two hours stuck on a plane, what's the price of baby formula in China?
Hey look it's an alligator with no tail. How do you suppose that happened?
Bye for now, from the back woods of Florida. Tomorrow we begin phase two: the ever coveted, the always notable, never boring... Family Vacation!